Wow, can you feel all the beautiful full moon energy that we have been blessed with. The full moon is an excellent time to make positive changes in your life, focus on releasing and letting go of anything that no longer serves your highest good. It is also an excellent time to clear and charge crystals….so if you work with crystals and haven’t done so yet, place them outside tonight so that they may be bathed in the beautiful healing energy of Grandmother Moon.
It is interesting to me how many of us seek out the advice and counsel of others for answers to our questions and reassurance that we are indeed on the right path. I do this all the time and yet rarely does someone tell me something that I don’t all ready know. Why do we do this? Why do we think that someone is going to be able to provide answers to questions that we all ready have the answer too?
I think what it comes down to is lack of faith or trust in ourselves. We feel that those we turn to are more knowledgeable then us. We doubt the messages and guidance that we receive. Could I really have all the answers I need inside of me? Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that consulting with and asking others for help is a bad thing….not at all. What I am trying to get at here is why are we so willing to put our faith and trust in others and yet we struggle to offer ourselves those same gifts?
We are a society that has been lead to believe that seeking externally for answers is the way to go and yet have a look around. How does this belief seem to be working out? Everywhere we look there is chaos, fear and lack of empathy and compassion. Those people who have the greatest impact on me are people who have spent a great deal of time working on changing their inner landscape and turning that outward into loving service to all of humanity. Think……Gandhi and Mother Teresa…I sure you can think of those who have inspired you and add them to this list.
So how do we get to a place of trusting that the guidance and wisdom that is inside of us? Our inner voice, that quiet guide within, will lead us along our path and all we have to do is to honour it. Trust that we all ready have our answers. Listen for the quiet whispers of your heart and they lead to to your SOUL….HOME.
So much of our stress comes from not listening, not trusting our inner voice. We act impulsively….we worry….we fretting….we try to control….we judge and again feel free to add to the list. We cause ourselves so much pain when we deny our inner wisdom. We can’t run from it or get away from it as it is us. We wonder if the guidance is real…we doubt ourselves…can we really trust ourselves….our wisdom? How can we not?
Rage, anger, resentment, bitterness most often occur when we place our trust in something or someone outside of ourselves.
The Universe is a magical flow of energy that is alive and responsive to our needs….it will guide us….it will bring the answers to us. We just need to be open and willing to receive these gifts….this wisdom…this guidance. What are the messages and guidance you are receiving? Does this guidance resonate with you at a SOUL level….that place deep inside of your heart that is the storehouse of your SOULS WISDOM? If it does then trust it, believe that it is, real and then take the necessary action steps you need to take. It takes time for us to trust those quiet whispers of the heart. The more we spend time in silence and quiet contemplation the more we will be able to hear the messages that our SOUL wants us to hear. That is why were are here. We have all come into this lifetime with at PURPOSE…a mission, if you will. One that will lift our souls up to the next level of evolution.
No matter what wisdom you hold within you heart, you must remember the free will, will always override destiny…our mission….our purpose. The ego is a very powerful foe and it lives in our head and operates from a place of fear. Soul is a very powerful friend and it lives in our hearts and operates from a place of LOVE.
So, ever so gently and compassionately love yourself enough to offer yourself the same love, acceptance and approval that you offer to others. You will not be disappointed my friends, indeed you may find that you did have your answers all along. Your greatest joy, fondest memories and most brilliant work will come when you trust yourself enough to listen to your inner voice…your heart…your wisdom…your soul.
So go ahead and allow your heart and soul to lead the way. Your life will change in significant ways when you allow yourself to fully and completely be in love with who you are. There is no one else like you. You are perfect and whole. You are beautiful.
So please without delay love and approve of yourself enough to let your light shine upon all who come in contact with you. We all have our own answers, we just have to trust them when they come. Thank you all for allowing me a place where I am able to share the wisdom of my own heart and trust myself enough to listen. I believe that we all have gifts that are meant to be shared with anyone who is open to receiving them. Tune in and trust. I believe in you….now the real question is do you believe in YOU…really my friends how could you not.
Love & Light,
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