Living Your Truth – Are You Feeling the Call?
How many of you at this time are feeling / hearing the call of your SOUL? The call that is urging you to live your TRUTH?
I know that many of you who are reading, are indeed feeling and hearing it. It is a feeling, a knowing if you will, and it is flowing from deep within you. It is the Eternal flow of Love that has always been YOU. Now is the time, to enjoy being all that you have come here to do. Yes, my friends each and every one of us came here, with a mission, this I know to be true.
In fact, I know this to be a Great Truth, a Spiritual Truth, if you will.
This is what the year 2014 is truly all about,, the Spiritualization of Humanity. It is at this time most necessary and it is happening as we speak all over the world. It is a beautiful sight to behold when you are in tune and aligned with the Light of Love. It is an all encompassing feeling really and it just warms the cockles of my heart to be a part of the Spiritual Awakening, that is taking place upon Mother Earth at this time. In fact it is taking place throughout the Universe. This is the time many of us have been waiting for. We were born for this year and all that have preceded and will follow. This is so exciting to me. How about you?
How do you feel you are being guided at this time? Are you finding your guides and angels are more easy to connect with at this time? Do you feel their every loving presence right there with you in this moment? They are there, and would like you to begin the process of co-creating with them from your Eternal heart centre. The longings and dreams that flow from your heart, are in fact, the work that you have come here to do.
Now I know for many this is a really hard, concept to get your head around but you see that is a part of the problem…..our heads. For many upon the planet at this time, this was the way we were told…programed and conditioned to believe that we were meant to get through life. You gotta, use your head, think your way out of this situation etc, etc. Well tell me, how well has that worked for us? How well has our thinking supported Mother Earth, our beautiful home? How well has this “thinking school of life” served us, our home and our joy factor?
For many it served because it was the only way we knew how to survive and that is all many of us have been trying to do for years, right? Survive.
Well not so anymore, and this is very good news for all of us. At this time we are meant to thrive and all that we have experienced before has served to show us and guide us, home to our natural, authentic state. That which is LOVE. JOY. PEACE. ABUNDANCE. FREEDOM.
How many of you have had a longing, a desire, a dream for all time? One that you have always felt was a possible reality? I know many of you have one, because as mentioned earlier I believe we all came with on a mission. That special something that we came here to do, to experience, to have. It is not about who has the most things, oh no it is far more profound than that. The Truth is that we are all meant to experience abundance and enough of that which we need. We are all meant to be joyful, happy, and free. Yet up to this point many have been restricted from within, although many often felt the restrictions were from outside of us. They weren’t!
So this is where the message of the day, wants to come through.
What my guides are continually saying and showing is that it is the heart that is meant to guide the way. Not the head as humans have taught, although it is a useful and necessary tool, it is not meant to be used as our guide. It is our heart, our inner compass and the home of our Soul that is meant to be our guide. This is a Great Truth, a Sacred Truth.
At this time, there is much going on, on so many different levels, the vibration upon our planet is lifted and it is highly charged energy. This rise in consciousness is happening as a result of all those who are answering the urgent call of their hearts. The Eternal call of the Soul, which seeks, happiness, harmony and fulfillment. We are born abundantly blessed Beings of Light.
As we grow though, for many the conditions of life do not support the fact that we are indeed Beings of Light. So we hide. We dim our light by shying away from our Truth. We doubt the dreams, of your heart. We resist the calling, fearing we are not qualified. Well not anymore, not in 2014, as this is setting up for many to be the biggest and finest year yet.
Believe me when I say sweet friends, you can run, yet the Truth is you cannot hide from your own brilliant beautiful Light. Nor can you deny any longer your TRUTH. Our Truth. We are Love. We are Light. We are Pure Eternal Energetic Beings. We are ONE.
My wish for all reading this today and always, is that you get out there today and do one supportive empowering thing for you. Go on and reclaim the power and abundant Truth of your Divine Birthright. I pray you find and follow the Mission stored, in your beautiful healing heart. Your Soul. Trust, this sacred space within you, for it indeed knows the way.
Are you ready to live your Truth today? I sure AM!!!
With Love, Respect and Gratitude…..Namaste, Lisa
Image sourced from Google images, if you know who deserves credit please let me know. Thank you
Hi Lisa 🙂
This truly spoke to my heart and I am really thankful to you for writing this. Lots of love and light to you 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment Radzy. I am so pleased this resonated with you beautiful heart. I will be sending you an email today to set up our next chat….yay!!! xo
Thank you Lisa, beautiful and I hear you : )
Thank you Lisa for this beautiful and heartfelt message! I totally resonate with your words of wisdom. Much love to you!!!
I love this message and it speaks so truthfully. I tried hard a year ago to not think of my purpose, but the signs and messages came stronger and stronger. I had to learn to surrender and know that I couldn’t fight it anymore. When I did that it was a natural flow and one I am still totally aware of. Thank you for your guidance and words of truth. It spoke to my heart and very soul. Thank you. Blessings and much love. xx <3 xx
Thank you for taking the time to engage with me here Casey. xo