This message has come through, over the course of the last few days, leading up to, and including the Autumnal Equinox. As I was setting myself up on World Peace Day to send prayers of peace and healing around our beautiful home – MOTHER EARTH, the words I kept hearing were….
“WITHIN THE HEART OF HUMANITY, THERE LIES A DEEP WOUND.” This statement kept washing over me and over me and it was the step off place for this automatic writing. These messages serve the GREATEST and HIGHEST GOOD of MANKIND and in fact ALL LIVING THINGS. One heart at a time we are HEALING and having GREAT AND PROFOUND effects. As I get set to share today I feel really guided to say……KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK…..YOUR LIGHT – OUR LIGHT IT IS SHINING SO BRIGHT. With each healing of the COLLECTIVE wound from WITHIN we expand and EVOLVE INTO THE LOVE THAT WE ALL ARE. THE LOVE THAT RESIDES WITHIN.
It is a deep wound that we all carry and it stems from the same place. It stems from our PERCEPTION OF SEPARATION FROM SOURCE. This perception of separation, causes us to separate and disconnect through judgement, from our Sisters and Brothers. Our belief of separation keeps us searching and seeking outside of ourselves for the LOVE we all deeply desire. We travel far and wide many a rugged roads, searching for LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. We have come so far that we have disconnected from the TRUTH OF OUR DIVINITY and we hide ourselves. We stay in the shadow of our LIGHT, misguided by a false understanding of LOVE and OUR COLLECTIVE TRUTH.
Each Soul incarnate in human form has come here for a PURPOSE and it is up to each to do the work. Yes. Work. SOUL work and LIGHT work is very noble work. It takes time, dedication and courage to look WITHIN and reconnect to SOURCE. We must work through the issues of the human self and at the end of the day we all seek and desire the same things. LOVE, SECURITY, RESPECT, PEACE and ACCEPTANCE. We all felt this security within the womb of our mother.
It is within the womb that we resided within that SACRED space called the void. It is here, we all were aware of, and felt in complete TRUST, our DIVINITY. We were completely AWARE OF OUR CONNECTION TO SOURCE. Within the womb we knew of our DIVINITY, OUR MAJESTY, OUR GLORY. Within this space we were ONE WITH SOURCE. ONE WITH THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS.
Once born into our human self, many of us felt a sense of separation immediately. For others it took some time before the isolating feelings swept over. Regardless, of when, we began to identify, with being separate, the feelings are all the same. Within each heart there is a deep yearning for LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. It is our longing for these beautiful gifts which causes so much pain. We spend much time seeking outside of ourselves, for that which we have forgotten, resides WITHIN.
LOVE and ACCEPTANCE is OUR NATURAL state. A state which we were all in tune with, within the womb. Within our mother’s womb we knew, what we were coming here for. We existed in TRUST. We knew OUR DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT and we were in complete trust and surrender to the process. We were GRATEFUL we were coming back to fulfill a DIVINE MISSION. We felt SECURE and SAFE. We felt and trusted our connection to OUR SOURCE, THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS.
The time has come for balance once more. Our equilibrium has been thrown off by conflict and war. The human experience has led us astray.
Are you brave a SOUL ready to start your journey home today? For you see this is a journey each soul is called to take. It is a noble, courageous, righteous and SACRED path each SOUL in human form is asked to walk. It is not a journey that takes place somewhere out there. It is the journey WITHIN. WITHIN we each find that which our experience has taught us to seek outside of ourselves. For through this inner journey we begin to remember OUR DIVINITY, OUR MAJESTY, OUR LOVE. As we move deeper WITHIN, OUR JOURNEY becomes easier to ACCEPT. You see we need be willing, in humility, to ACCEPT ALL THAT WE SEE.
The separation that we felt was a separation from our GOD LIKE SELF. Once born, our humanness sets in and we begin to see and relate to the would outside of ourselves, as separate from us. IT IS NOT!! We begin to compare, we watch, we listen, we judge, we begin to connect with fear. There is a call right now for FREEDOM from the isolation of perceived separation.
So how is it that we begin to HEAL this Collective wound? Great question, thank you for asking. The following messages are what came through me on the day of the Blood Moon Eclipse.
First we must return OUR focus inward to our bodies – OUR DIVINE VESSEL. This is easily done by bringing our AWARENESS to OUR BREATH. Inhale – I WELCOME. Exhale – I LET GO. Continue with each inhalation and exhalation to draw your AWARENESS WITHIN, simply connect with each BREATH. Observe how easily you come into your body and the PEACE that each breath brings.
Next we take ourselves outside into nature which guides, supports, inspires and nurtures us, if only WE ALLOW. For many upon Mother Earth right now there is a huge disconnect between ourselves and the plant upon which we reside.
Mother Earth has been neglected, rejected, abused and disregarded. It is no wonder we cannot get along with one another, for we have forgotten OUR CONNECTION, OUR HOME, thereby rejecting one another. This disconnect stems in ESSENCE from OUR DEEP COLLECTIVE disconnect from the home WITHIN US.
As we return to, and connect with the natural world, we begin to see the ease in which ALL THINGS IN NATURE FLOW. A tree does not struggle and fight to be anything other than a magical tree. Standing wise ones, very secure upon that which is their home. Completely dependent upon and supported by Mother Earth. They root down and grow. Each year moving through another changing cycle in the life of a tree. The same things goes ALL that we see in the natural world.
There is nothing in the natural world or animal kingdom which struggles to be anything other than what it is. Only humans experience this struggle and unfulfilling dance. WE…if WE ALLOW can learn much from the elements. First, we need to be willing to disconnect from the distractions of the man-made world.
Time in nature daily, greatly supports us to reconnect to the SOURCE WITHIN. Along with AWARENESS of our breath the magic begins. We notice things we haven’t seen in a long time. A little butterfly. A ladybug. Look there is a Blue Jay, doing his Mr. Blue Jay thing with such confidence.
As we keep drawing our AWARENESS to our breath we truly begin to observe the magic that abounds all around us. We begin to soften. Our hearts begin to feel warm and peaceful. As our human stance softens we begin to see and feel differently. We don’t have to fret and worry about what may be. We simply breath. Inhale – WE WELCOME. Exhale – WE LET GO. In and out we FLOW, up and down our bellies go. In and out we FLOW. Looking WITHIN, all around WITHOUT we see OUR BEAUTIFUL REFLECTION OUR NATURAL BEAUTY.
It is up to each of us once again to make that ETERNAL CONNECTION WITHIN. For there is not one of us, who can do this for another. We cannot do anothers work. There is not one who should say, this is the way, the only way there is. For that is rubbish and simply not true. There are many paths and they are as varied as we, are as unique individuals. What works for and supports one may not, work for another. Each must find their own way.
It is important at this time to note those things that we all share and which support us all. Our Breathe – Mother Earth – The Sun, Creator’s Love Shining in the Sky – The Moon, Goddess Wisdom Illuminating our night sky. That being said it is my understanding that if WE SHARE these things, we may all be supported by these things.
It is through our connection to OUR shared TRUTHS that each SOUL BEgins to HEAL their individual wounds, thereby supporting the HEALING OF THE WHOLE.
So as we now approach the Scorpio New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse on October 23, each of us is BEing called to return to OUR ETERNAL CONNECTION TO SOURCE. Our connection to SOURCE, RESIDES WITHIN. We each BEgin to HEAL our wounds by returning to the SOURCE OF ALL WITHIN. Allow time and space for your beautiful heart to HEAL. Return to your breath, move deeply into your body and connect to your NATURALLY PEACEFUL FLOWING state….DIVINITY.
For all BEings created by SOURCE are equally beautiful and DIVINE. Each intended to SHINE, their unique spectrum of HEALING LIGHT and LOVE upon MOTHER EARTH. There was never any intention for Our Divine SOULS to be left behind, left out or wiped out by human trials and tribulations. No way, that is not how it goes.
Each of you taking the time to read this feels much resonance with the messages shared here. You are feeling the COSMIC squeeze in your own UNIQUE way. It is up to you to do something about how you feel.
If you feel pain….ACCEPT it, FEEL it, RELEASE it, HEAL.
If you feel anger….ACCEPT it, FEEL it, RELEASE (responsibly) it, HEAL.
If yo feel regret….ACCEPT it, FEEL it, RELEASE it, HEAL.
All of the above are connections to our past, our painful past, something back there. All if have to say is, it is back there for a reason. ACCEPT it, FEEL it, DEAL with your attachment to it – LET IT GO – HEAL.
If you are anxious, worried, planning and busy with details of how it all goes….YOU ARE CAUGHT UP IN THE FUTURE…somewhere out there. Seriously, out there is really rather uncertain, so why we spend time fretting about what may or may not ever come to be, is rather elementary now isn’t it dear Watson
So for those of you still here with me, it is most important to find what works for and supports your SPIRITUAL growth and EVOLUTION. It is not for me to say…go this way, or that. My path would likely have many of you very discombobulated, yet I totally get it. I have found over the years ways to support my ever sensitive self so that I may support those I AM here to SERVE.
Your personal journey as well as mine has great value and purpose. It is to and through the heart WITHIN, that WE EACH RETURN TO GREATNESS ONCE MORE. WE RETURN TO WHOLENESS and the ONENESS that has ALWAYS RESIDED WITHIN. We are forever shifting, shaping and changing the ETERNAL DIVINE SANDS OF TIME.
Thank you for BEing in my life. Sending Love, Light, Respect and Gratitude and please feel free to share with me here. I appreciate OUR CONNECTION. WE ARE ONE.
Namaste, Lisa xo
Image by me
Penny Cook says
I appreciate Our Connection. WE ARE ONE
Sending love to you.