After posting a Yes or No question thread on my Wisdom of the Heart Facebook page, I received lots of posts from people asking about Soul Mate relationships and the state of current relationships. This was inspired by that post, after I spent sometime answering some of those questions. This is not nomally the work that I do and as those who have ever had readings or a healing session know the focus is always on the person requesting the reading or healing work.
One thing, that became clear from that post is that many people are still seeking outside of themselves for answers which reside within. Many do this because they are hoping that someone else will tell them something different than the truth they know and feel from within themselves.
We are at a point in time where it is very important that we honour and respect the truth within. Until we are able to do this we will not experience peace. You see it would be wonderful if the hollywood version of soulmate relationships actually were a reflection of the truth. Sadly they are not.
In reality we all have many soulmate relationships in the course of our lifetime, and all of them always have something to teach us. Soulmate relationship are not always male/female couplings and of a romantic nature. I have found from my own life experience that they are often not a romantic relationship, as the movies would have us believe. Actually I feel strongly that the movies leave us fantasizing about a version of what a soulmate relationship looks like and feels like.
The single most important thing for all of us to understand regarding relationships is that like attracts like and although a relationship may indeed be a Soulmate or Twin Flame relationship that doesn’t mean it will be all fluff and romance. Not at all. All of our relationships with others are merely an outward reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves. Yes, this is true, so if there something troubling you about your relationship, it is time to turn the focus inward.
Remember we cannot change other people….EVER!!
Although many people still seek outside of themselves for answers with respect to their relationship with others, my guides always direct me to the focus that really matters and that is always within. Remember our outer reality is always just merely a reflection of our inner reality. If there is any question to you about whether or not a relationship is the right one for you, it is time to tune in and listen to what your own inner guidance is saying to you. Many of us have our answers long before we have a desire or willingness to change what we see and feel.
I am here to say that regardless of how long you may suppress or ignore your inner TRUTH, it never changes. God is a patient teacher, a patient and loving guide. Basically what I am trying to say, is that it is time to turn our focus away so much about the timelines that we human put on everything and trust that things are being guided by Divine time, God’s time, if you will. If we do not currently have the relationship we desire, than it is not time. We are not ready. When we are it will come and it will unfold naturally. There will be no need to push, or force anything. When we are in a right relationship with ourselves and the God within everything else just falls into place as it should.
If we are still seeking for some grand romantic love outside of ourselves, and not having that relationship with our beautiful selves. Chance are pretty great our fantasies are going to fall short of our reality because when we live with expectations, we live with premeditated resentments. This is not good, and is truly like poison to our souls.
Our natural state is one of Divine Love and Light and this place is Peaceful and Happy. You can be sure that where there is any beautiful outer expression of love, there is an even more radiant and Divine inner love generating that. At this time we are all being guided to continually seek within to peel back the layers of ourselves that are currently blocking our path to having mutually loving, respectful and nurturing relationships. Not all soulmate relationships are meant to be happily ever after, as was said earlier many are simply the schoolyard for our souls.
Look within dear ones the answers you seek, already reside deep within your most beautiful, yet for many wounded hearts. This is a time for healing and a romancing of our own Divine selves.
With waves of golden and pink Divine Love and Light. Namaste, Lisa xo
love your article and thanks for sharing you and who you are. I also believe that there is a new force at hand it is the energy of love… It has its own power and it is being released as we sit in our ego mind sets we believe in the love that we HAVE known..ahhh but there is coming a much bigger and new truth about what love is… and it will put all things in the right perspective…. yet as that energy is birthing it is stirring up the duality with in us… this is my launguage in this lesson…its not a sex thing.. neither male nor female it is an US thing…
WE ARE WE IN THE I AM OF HIM (again my launguage) we were all one… but the moment we esteemed ourselves better or more important then ANYone else….we left the circle of love…WE FELL OUT OF LOVE.. and choose our independence.. now we are being brought back to the circle of love where we truly love our neibor as ourself.. we are remembering our ONENESS…. It is a love we dont just say ..but honestley feel one another… example. I went grocery shopping when I came out it was snowing the winds picked up and were blowing hard… (Minnesota weather) I put my groceries in the car and quickly jumped in to get out of the weather… Four blocks down the road I saw a man walking home with his hands holding 4/5 bags of groceries. His head was turned a bit to the to not get the frozen rain pellets directly in the face… just for an instant I literally FELT the cold pelting rain drops hitting my face and the heaviness of the bags he was carring… I connected with him and FELT HIM…. I had to turn around and give him a ride home. The first thing I said was oh bad day to chose to walk to the grocery store, He explained he had a medical condition and could no longer drive on his own.. I brought him home and gave him my number and told him I live close and will gladly give him rides to the store…. this is the love energy ….. I FELT HIM.. we are we in the I AM of HIM… we are ALL CONNECTED…ONE… IN LOVE….. NEVER ALONE… WE ARE WE DEAR ONE… XOXOXOXO
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. Your light is shining brilliantly bright and I am honoured to stand in your presence. Love, light and gratitude to you. WE ARE LOVE. WE ARE LIGHT. WE ARE ONE. Namaste, Lisa