I was guided today to pull a card for all the fans of this page and those who visit my website.
I was guided to my ASK AN ANGEL oracle deck by Toni Carmine Salerno http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ask-An-Angel-Oracle-Cards/dp/0975768328
I asked that I be a clear and pure channel so that I may bring message that serve the greatest and highest good of all who are guided to read this.
The message I am receiving about this card is that this is a message about SACRED SEXUALITY. Yes, dear ones, you are all sexual beings, yet many of you are very misguided when it comes to this most sacred and precious gift. You do it simply because it feels good and provides you with a sense of instant gratification. This is not the intent and the purpose of your sexuality. It is time you began to honour yourself and your body as the sacred vessel that it is. Do not give yourself away to those who do not honour and respect you. Do not give yourself to those who do not honour and respect themselves. Everything is energy and in the most deep and profound way you are connection your energy with another via the act of sexual relations. That being said if you are connecting for the sake of pleasure and only pleasure, you are likely being left with feelings of want. Something just doesn’t feel right and you feel at some level you are dishonouring yourself. When we are intimate with another we connect to the essence of another’s soul. Sexuality is the physical expression of our soul’s essence. This is meant to be a most sacred union. At this time when we are all being lifted to new levels of being, and becoming more sensitive it is of utmost importance that we keep in mind how we are affected by the decisions we make to connect with others in this most sacred of ways. This is a time of bring balance into our physical being, aligning body, mind and spirit. In order to do this we must observe and become aware of our actions and how they affect us on a soul level. Now is a time if you will of personal accountability and responsibility. The days of promiscuity are behind us. This is a time of deep and meaningful soul connections. First with our Higher Self and then with others. This is a time of self love and acceptance complete and total. It is a time for healing and coming into alignment with your higher self. Acts of sexuality and communion with another, are meant to be sacred acts not taken lightly and just for the fun of it. For many there is a need for healing this aspect of self. This is not a time for judgements about you conduct in this area. It is merely a time for understanding and compassion, with self around these most sacred aspect of our being. Learn to love yourself and your beautiful body which is a vessel for this most sacred union. Explore your sexuality and your sensitivities and from a higher perspective, you will be guided to a union that is meant to serve your greatest and highest good. Remember this beautiful act is meant to be a sacred act treated with the utmost respect and an honouring of your beautiful self. Please dear ones do not sell yourself short. You are a sexual being who is meant to experience pleasure and joy from this most sacred of unions. Love and respect yourself enough to allow this change in perspective to occur. Anael is associated with the day Friday and the planet Venus. She is the angel of love, pleasure, sexuality, fertility and beauty <3. She comes to remind you today of how truly beautiful you are.
Waves of love, light and gratitude to all of you. Namaste, Lisa xo
It’s Friday and I happened to read this message. Thank you.
I do have conflict within myself on how to embrace my sexuality.
How do I heal? I’m still seeking for the answer. Currently, I’m learning to love myself more.
You are very welcome and I trust you are loving yourself in this now moment.