So since yesterday’s post, I have had a lot of thoughts running through my mind. The one that is most persistent has been VULNERABILITY. What does it mean to be vulnerable? How can I allow people to see the real me? Will they like what they see? Why does that matter? These are the questions that have been fueling my thoughts over the last 24 hours. For me, it has been a long and sometimes painful journey to get, to, the point in my life where I am today. During this journey I have often wore many different masks depending on the company I was keeping. Sometimes, I think, we have worn certain masks for so long that we actually believe, that is who we are.
People admire our courage and strength and so we continue to exhibit courage and strength. Never really allowing them to see the softer side of us, for they might think we are weak. Oh the horror!!
From my earliest memories I always have presented a “tough” exterior and this has served me well over the years. Yet, underneath that “tough” exterior has always been someone who was incredibly sensitive, empathetic and loving. Someone who has struggled with the depth of her emotions. How can I let people see who I really am. Showing them would mean that I might be viewed as weak. I think, for me anyway, I have been caught in the illusion that since the world around me views me in a certain way then it must be true. Is it really? Starting to think not.
Once we are living a heart centered life, it can become challenging to remove our masks and be really who we are meant to be, who we always have been. A bright beautiful shining star. We are all beautiful and have value. Yes, we all get scared sometimes and we may even need to be tough at times. And every so often we may need to wear a mask….to protect ourselves.
Opening our hearts and exposing our light to the world can be a scary proposition, particularly if we have been hiding our light. Being vulnerable, means that by exposing our true selves, OUR SOUL to others we are no longer hiding who we are. We are honouring who we are. We are honouring the fact that we are beautiful children of GOD / the UNIVERSE. Each and everyone of us. There are no exceptions to this. It also means that others may struggle seeing you as the beautiful source of light you are. They may not understand what happened to the other you. The EGO. The person, they thought you were. What happened to that person? Where did she go? She decided that it was time to take off her masks, drop the EGO and BECOME REAL!!
Sometimes when we expose our SOUL, those who know us (the EGO part of us) may become frightened of our LIGHT, our POWER. We too may actually become frightened by our LIGHT and POWER. Yet by removing our masks, one at a time, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, we step into the light and allow our true selves to shine through. Too often though most of us have forgotten how truly WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL we are.
With an open heart we are bound to feel more deeply and love unconditionally. We actually become more real. We become a beacon shining brightly for others to see. Some may like what they see and others may not. That is NOT our business. People and friendships may fall away and we may be left wondering why. Yet, by being real and exposing our SOUL, we attract those that we need and that need us into our lives. Our lives actually become more abundant and our friendships and connections with others become more meaningful. Life becomes a beautiful shining example of LOVE and PEACE.
Following is a message regarding venerability from my Earth Magic Oracle cards, by Dr. Stephen Farmer, I thought that it was important to include it with this post:
You are in a place now where you can take risks with your feelings, and even more important, take risks with the truth of who you are – the truth you know in your heart and soul. You no longer need to be subjected to your conditioned fears of letting others know who you really are. Yes, others may judge, evaluate, criticize, and perhaps even put you down. These are very real possibilities. Yet by trusting that you have the strength to with these reactions – rather than responding adaptively and always playing it safe – you can more confidently allow yourself to be vulnerable. Always holding back from expressing your truth can create and illusion of safety, but armed with your trust and your faith, you can choose to be vulnerable and share your authentic self with the world.
Namaste, Lisa
I'm impressed by the REAL you Lisa! Feel free and fly high!
Your friend,