The most beautiful people I know, are the ones that are able to continue to walk their SOUL’S path with COURAGE and INTEGRITY. Regardless, of what has happened to them. Regardless, of what others may think. Even when, unsure where their path leads, they continue to walk. They are the ones who acknowledge and accept, that they are, who they are, today because of what happened to them. They know that life is the eternal evolution of their SOUL, and that their SOUL’S evolution, is their choice. They make that choice and their work begins. Yes, work!! Don’t kid yourself, the Spiritual Path is one that requires lots of work….inner work. They have faith and trust, that they are being lead. And just when they, think maybe, their work is done, the Universe brings them, another, opportunity for healing, for expansion. That is when the most beautiful people call on all the courage they, have trusting that God and the Universe, have a plan. So once again, they look within, seeing the beauty and opportunity, for LOVE. SOUL healing, evolution and expansion and GROWTH. These people understand, that they must remain open and teachable, in order to evolve. Through, their sharing of their TRUTH with others, they heal, they connect, they offer hope. Through their connection with others, they come to understand themselves more deeply. They are calm and peaceful (most of the time, lol), they know that DIVINE TIMING, is indeed DIVINE. They are GRATEFUL♥. They are LOVE, they are light. They show love and shine light. They know without a doubt they are, ONE WITH ALL THAT IS, ALL THAT EVER WAS, ALL THERE EVER WILL BE. THEY ARE CONNECTED ♥♥. Yes, indeed these are the most beautiful people (((♥)))
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