This message was channeled by me yesterday from Chief Sitting Bull, with White Wolf sitting by his side.
“See through the eyes of the HEART.
Connect and ground..deeply within, our DIVINE MOTHER EARTH. Stand and be nourished by her POWER. Explore and honour your roots with the GREAT SPIRIT. I am SITTING BULL and WHITE WOLF is also here with us. Meditate and connect with these GREAT SPIRITS of MOTHER EARTH and FATHER SKY. Learn to see yourself through the eyes of your HEART. How is it that you see yourself child? You no longer need to feel afraid.
We are asking you to connect with us. ALL OF US. We are waiting for you to connect. Feel through your HEART. See through your HEART.
You are indeed a BRILLIANT LIGHT. More BRILLIANT than you know. Be not afraid. We are here with you to show you the way. You my dear sweet child, it is time. The time is now to dig your roots in deeply to MOTHER EARTH. CONNECT. DISCONNECT TO CONNECT. Be not afraid. WE ARE HERE. Call out to us in your time of need. We will help. We want to help.
Face what you must. Your fears, emotions, feelings, physical pain. See it all through the eyes of your HEART. Feel it all through the LOVE in your HEART. Receive through the eyes of your HEART. YOU ARE SAFE. Believe in yourself dear child, as we do. You my dear sweet child are a BRILLIANT BEING OF LIGHT… so it is <3
Now isn’t that a most beautiful message. The image above was sourced from the internet and is CHIEF SITTING BULL xo
My sense from White Wolf was that he is here to give us STRENGTH and COURAGE. Help to teach us playfulness and how to have fun. I also felt that his white colour was to remind us to PURIFY our HEART and SOUL. Live in the light that you were born into….it is your birthright.
So much is pretentious in life, without the inner need to glimpse through the veil, one will not, I visualize this reality as an outer garment an extension of the seed world
It has taken me many years of wondering and searching to conclude that this life is temporary and transient, it is amazing that we search long and hard ‘without’ when the answers are actually ‘within’ as set out above.
This world of chaos and anarchic distraction keeps the mind busy and the heart in subjection, dominion over man is indeed injurious, the mind craves satisfaction, whilst the inner heart seeks to implant benevolent wisdom toward universal love.
The destruction of the the accumulated knowledge once held in the libraries of Alexandria and the following crusades on humanity to this day, has denied the true spiritual knowledge that was once a common inheritance, this knowledge told of the gift of experiential wisdom to be gained on the physical plane, and the knowledge of our spiritual rebirth, death a mere transition and transformation.
Thank you for your writing.